-I last updated right before I started finals, so I had no time until they were over.
-I went home right after finals.
-I had important shit to do and catch up on, so blogging wasn't possible.
-I have a life.
Those reasons are all more or less valid. Except the fourth; that one is a lie.
Anyway, I find myself once again finding myself sitting behind my desk facing the same daily grind. In front is the familiar backdrop of my mahogany desk with all the decor: all my letters, my recent postcard from babydoll, post it notes, and enough sunscreen to power an albino village. Behind me linger the homoerotic tendencies of my deranged roommates. Same shit as usual.
I have been in school for about a week, and I'm already tired of this. First semester was long, and thinking about going through another one of the same frustrates me like a motherfucker. School isn't particularly hard, but I'm tired of going through the motions. Am I the only one that feels this way? Maybe...
In unrelated news, snow is cold.

Obvious, but often taken for granted. This snowstorm stuff isn't that nice diet snow that you find on the ski slopes. This shit burns your face, hands, and ears on your way to class. If it wasn't so cold I would slightly enjoying stripping and running around Boston unseen, but the single digit temperatures are deadly. Boston is really pretty when its white though. It looks like something straight out of a classic oldschool made-for-TV Christmas movie. However, I would definitely appreciate it if it were a visit instead of a stay.
And to end on a positive note, break was amazing. The 4 happiest weeks I have had since I left for college. Catching up with all my friends was great, especially since it wasn't over a cell phone over teh internetz. All my friends are irreplaceable and I'm always waiting till the next time I see them. Its always good to know there are some things that time doesn't change, and I'm lucky to have something so constant.
Now, I'm just waiting. I can't wait for my spring break, which starts March 6th. I'll be going home and seeing whoever is around. Katherine is coming home for that weekend, so I'll happily be reunited with babydoll. A couple of weeks after that, Katherine is flying to Boston to spend her Spring break with me. I'm already ecstatically planning our Boston trek. Also, I have heard that Meher, Crystal, and Chery want to come over spring too, which would also be sweet.
One last shoutout to google video chat. You fucking rock.